Monday, March 25, 2013

TSW Issue #6: The Last train to Cairo

Hello everyone this is Dionsol.  I thought I would take this opportunity and write a little review on the latest issue #6 The Last Train To Cairo.  Let me start off by saying, that regrettably I will not be kind and if you read on, there will be spoilers.  As a solo player experience, all 6 missions are fine.  But the meat, of my complaints are in a group setting.  We had a full five men group and we try to do all 6 missions as a group.  To say the least, in a group setting missions they were very buggy.  Case in point, will the mission that gives you the wip, they drop off of next tier NPC's in the cave before you go back in time.  3 of the 5 of us in the group was able to get the wips.  Me and one other person had to, drop out of group, then come back into the instance kill everything again and get wip drops ourselves.  Once everybody had their wips in the inventory.  Then we were all able to proceed to the next phase of the mission.  Once we got to the past in Egypt we didn't have problems until we got to the ark portion of the mission.  When one person in the group completed the task it made it so the rest of the group was bugged out and we had to do it individually by either dropping group and come back in the group or /reset.  As a side note, also after cut scenes, I personally had issues with getting a black screen and I only have a cursor displayed.  To fix that, sometimes /reloadui works or we had to log out of the game and come back in, or just minimize the game then maximize the game, and it cleared the problem.  Also when you're with a group, and one person did not get the wip by killing the NPC's at the start of the mission, you cannot finish it and progress to next part with your group.  I personally, had to do as stated above and kill everything solo then rejoined the group with the wip in my inventory.  The wip is important, because in order for you to progress in the mission to get to the ark portion of the mission you had to deposit that wip in your inventory into a box which in turn will be there for you when you go back to the present, if you wanted the wip for yourself as a permanent item.  Moving on back to the ark as I stated if one person completes it, it bugs out for the rest of us.  So some of us including myself, had to leave group and reset the instance as a solo, and go back through, and redo all the puzzles ourselves then rejoin the group and get to the same point where everybody else's in the group.  The next buggy issue was when it was time to hide the ark, one person completed it, and it bugged out for the rest of us.  Resolution, repeat the process again as stated earlier and rejoin the group.  Once everybody was able to hide their arks then everybody was able to complete their mission.  The last mission, where you are actually on the train, the reason why you are on the train, is because when you finish the previous mission, you find out the bad guys already taken the ark that you hidden.  So the setup is, for you to progress from the back of the train to the front of the train.  The only buggy  issue I found in this mission, was at the end of the mission were you had to kill the main boss then decouple the engine from the train car that warehouses the ark.  One of us finish that portion of the mission, then it bugged out for two of the five of us, so I had to do as stated above and finish the mission solo.  And let me tell you, the End Boss has 40,000 hit points and is very difficult to kill.  I died 3 times, and I have all #10 blue gear, but I was able to kill him because I'm just that good (LOL).  Once you decouple the train, the cut seen triggers then the mission ends with me back on the train with no way to get out.  I had to just hearth to agratha then find my way back to Egypt to turn in the quest.  Back to, progression from back of train to front of train.  It would have been extremely helpful, if they would put more respond points, as you progress to the front of the train.  There was many times, where me and my fellow group mates would die and start all away back at the beginning because you would die just before the next respond point became available.  I believe they need to fix that.  So that's it, that's my review of issue #6 The Last Train To Cairo.  Hope you have better success than I did, and I know you will, As long as you are in a solo instance progression.  The story is great as always, and the cut scenes are awesome but due to the buggyness as a group setting I can only give this series of missions a 5 out of 10..  The reason why I'm so hard, is because this is an MMO.  We're supposed to play this stuff in a group setting with your friends.  Thank you for taking the time to read this, and look forward reading your replies.

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